Why you should avoid charging your non-rechargeable AA / AAA battery? - VictorPro

Why you should avoid charging your non-rechargeable AA / AAA battery?

Just as the name suggests, it is not possible to charge non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries and use them safely. Even if you try to do so, some chemical explosion might occur.

Their reactions are not fully reversible. Even if they take some charge it will not last. During this whole process, the battery will also get heated. This usually is because charging energy is not converting into chemical storage, but it is getting dissipated as heat.

The worst case is that they overheat and cause fire, leak caustic chemicals, or make a small explosion.

Rechargeable AA/AAA batteries

Rechargeable batteries are also known as secondary batteries or storage batteries. These types of batteries can be charged, discharged in a load, and recharged many times. Up to a certain point they work with fluency but after that, they start working less effectively.

The composition is generally of one or more electrolytes. It is also called “accumulators”. This is because they accumulate and store energy through a cycle of electrochemical reactions.

Rechargeable AA/AAA batteries generally cost more than non-rechargeable ones. This is usually because they can be recharged several times but they tend to lose their storage capacity as they are used.

Various combinations of electrode and electrolyte may include the following lead-acid, zinc-air, nickel-cadmium (NiCd), nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), lithium-ion (Li-ion), lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), and lithium-ion polymer (Li-ion polymer).

Non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries

These types of batteries are also known as primary batteries. They are popularly also called “galvanic cells“.

These types of batteries cannot be recharged and reused like the secondary cells or the non-rechargeable cells. Here the electrochemical reaction cycle is not at all reversible.

When this type of battery is used, the chemical reactions are used up the chemicals that generate electricity. When this chemical is consumed totally, the reaction stops, and the electricity is not produced anymore.

These non-rechargeable batteries are very harmful to the environment. Batteries are a “hazardous waste “.

These batteries are comparatively less cheap. This is because they are also single-use- batteries.

The pollution content is much higher than their usefulness. Thus, they are considered as wasteful, environmentally unfriendly technology.

Charging the non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries

The non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries cannot reach the renewed level. The failed attempt to charge a battery might also lead to some sort of minor explosion. The intensity of these explosions is directly propositional to the time for which the recharging process is going on.

Charging the non-rechargeable batteries is foolish. As the name suggests, they are for single use.

The charging process can also turn into a bit risky task. The charging of these cells just hears up the batteries. They get heated up because the chemical process is unable to restart the whole electrochemical process.

These batteries release energy in the form of heat. A chemical explosion is also possible if the attempt to recharge goes on for a long time.

About Us

We value quality and power“. VictorPro is the manufacturer of the leading dry cell batteries Alkaline and Zinc Chloride in India and a wide area around the globe. Some products like the VictorPro Intense Alkaline AAA battery, VictorPro Intense AA battery, VictorPro Ultra Gold AAA battery, and VictorPro Ultra Gold AA battery have received extremely satisfying responses from the customers.


The above blog talks about ‘can we recharge the non-rechargeable batteries?’. The response henceforth is ‘No’.

The article also talks about what happens if we try to recharge these batteries. The various consequences and drawbacks are also discussed above.

Now that we know this, we now know what type of devices require rechargeable batteries and what requires non-rechargeable ones. We are also aware of the compositions and uses of these batteries.

If you found this useful and informative, do share it. For further more information about more related topics just visit the blog section of our website. Also do give a try to VictorPro Batteries.

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